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December 18, 2020

CNSC Distinguishes PHAI Public Information Program

An update on the Port Hope Area Initiative (PHAI) was included in the CNL report made recently to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC).  The annual Regulatory Oversight Review is an opportunity for the CNSC to determine how well the organization is meeting its regulatory obligations.

This year, at the request of the CNSC, Scott Parnell, Historic Waste Program (HWP) General Manager, presented an extended update on the PHAI, highlighting the progress and significant accomplishments that have been made since the last update.

Parnell’s presentation included progress photos and current metrics for project milestones such as the completion of remediation at the Port Granby Legacy Waste Management Site and ongoing capping/closing of the engineered storage mound; along with the status of work at Small-Scale Sites, the Port Hope Harbour and Centre Pier, Waterworks East site near the West Beach and at the Port Hope Long-Term Waste Management Facility. The presentation concluded with a summary of communications outreach and interactions with stakeholders during 2020.

CNSC President Rumina Velshi congratulated CNL on the progress of the PHAI and, when asked specifically about public communications, CNSC Senior Project Officer Rob Buhr stated that the PHAI Public Information Program is the “gold standard” by which other licensees should model their own plans.

“We are pleased to receive this recognition from the CNSC and look forward to continuing our comprehensive communications program as the project moves forward,” said Parnell. “CNL is committed to providing stakeholders and Indigenous groups with timely information about the PHAI and making sure our audience is aware of the background, goals and current developments of the projects.”

A video of the presentation will be available on the CNSC website in the coming weeks.

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