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Dust Monitoring

Dust Management Plan

CNL takes a three-pronged approach to prevent, control and monitor dust during the construction and remediation phase of the Port Hope and Port Granby projects. The Dust Management Requirements and Plan sets out actions, roles and responsibilities for all PHAI staff and contractors who carry out work that has the potential to cause dust. It also establishes control levels that provide an early warning if real- time monitoring indicates dust levels are higher than expected.

Contact us for a copy of the Dust Management Requirements and Plan.

Dust Control Triggers

The PHAI dust management plan recognizes that uncontrolled dust from project activities can be both a nuisance and a potential hazard to people and the environment. For this reason, preventing and controlling dust is the responsibility of all work-site personnel, who are trained to take prompt action whenever visible dust is observed.

Continuous, real-time monitoring is used to measure the total dust being generated when work is underway, and the results are checked against pre-established levels – administrative control levels and action levels. Both levels are well below Ministry of the Environment regulatory limits but, nonetheless, act as triggers that require work to be stopped and immediate action to be taken if reached.

The PHAI dust management plan has been developed around the fundamentals that for dust to become airborne, exposed soil, dry conditions and wind must be present. By avoiding or managing these, dust can be prevented and controlled.


Before starting work, dust prevention measures include:

  • Dampening soil in dry areas
  • Reducing activities or loads to avoid unnecessary dust generation
  • Using wind fencing around work areas
  • Postponing work activities likely to cause dust if sustained wind speed is predicted to exceed 36 km/hr., unless the contractor can demonstrate that the work site is sufficiently protected so wind will not generate dust


During work, dust management measures include:

  • Taking prompt, corrective action, such as dampening soil, when dust is observed
  • Minimizing areas of exposed soil and applying nightly cover
  • Tarping, monitoring and cleaning trucks transporting soil or waste
  • Stopping dust generating activities if sustained wind speed exceeds 36 km/hr for two hours, unless the contractor can demonstrate that the work site is sufficiently protected so that wind will not generate dust


Example of a Dust Monitoring Set-up at a Larger Remediation Site

Prime Contractor

Responsible for monitoring dust continuously at the work site

  • Contractors use real-time dust monitors continuously during work-site operations to help ensure dust is controlled. Immediate action is taken whenever dust is visible or a control level is reached.

Independent Dust Monitoring

Responsible for monitoring dust at the perimeter of the work site

  • Independent consultants provide program for continuous, real-time monitoring downwind and upwind of dust generating activities and average the results every 15 minutes. If results approach control levels, the prime contractor is informed immediately, and measures to control and reduce dust are taken. The source of the dust is verified, and incidences are reported to PHAI environmental monitoring staff.

Canadian Nuclear Laboratories

Responsible for monitoring dust at the larger work area boundary

  • Stationary high-volume air samplers are placed at the boundary (controlled area) fence line to collect air samples continuously while work is underway. Filters are removed and sent to an independent, accredited laboratory that analyzes the samples for the amount of total dust and contaminant concentrations. If analysis identifies that levels are approaching or exceed regulatory limits, the cause is investigated and corrective action is taken to prevent recurrence.