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Testing Port Hope Properties

The Port Hope Project cleanup of approximately 1.2 million cubic metres of historic low-level radioactive waste from various sites in Port Hope includes a radiological survey conducted on approximately 5,700 properties in urban Port Hope, plus a small number in rural Port Hope. The testing is being undertaken to confirm which properties have historic low-level radioactive waste (LLRW) and require a cleanup.

All property radiological testing is being completed at no cost to the property owner.

The majority of properties will not require a cleanup. Those property owners will receive a Compliance Letter stating the property meets PHAI Cleanup Criteria and no further testing is required.

If waste is found on a property, additional testing is done to confirm the volume of waste. The property is then moved to the design phase, which is followed by the cleanup. Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL), the company undertaking the PHAI, will work with the property owner to create a remediation and restoration agreement for the work to be completed on the property.

Once the property and others in the neighbourhood have been cleaned up and restored, Compliance Letters will be issued.