Events/Canadian Nuclear Society Annual Conference 2021

6 - 9 June, 2021
Canadian Nuclear Society Annual Conference 2021
The Canadian Nuclear Society will host its 40st Annual Conference from June 6 to 9, 2021. This conference provides a forum for communicating progress, achievements and new ideas across a broad range of nuclear technology areas.
- Plenary sessions with invited speakers to address significant industry developments.
- An embedded Symposium on Small Modular Reactors addressing all aspects of this emerging technology.
- Technical sessions with subject‐matter experts from utilities, suppliers, the regulator, academia, federal laboratories and agencies to present the latest advancements in nuclear science and technology.
- Exhibits with industrial leaders showcasing their latest nuclear products and technology.
- A Student Conference with student posters.
- Social (virtual) features that facilitate discussions and networking on subjects of common interests.
- More information on technical topics of interests, key dates and other useful information can be found in the Call for Papers.