It’s a sensitive topic – the removal of historic waste from hundreds of backyards, front yards, basements and streetscapes. That’s why CNL staff are using an up-close-and-personal approach as they design the PHAI cleanup of private properties. Meeting with owners in their homes to discuss the remediation and restoration plans for their properties has become quite intimate, with talks often taking place at kitchen tables.
This collaborative process includes a detailed explanation of radiological testing results and drawings that highlight the removal and replacement of plantings, trees and physical features such as decks and fences.
“We seek the active participation of homeowners in the restoration of their property, and it’s gratifying to see how most owners are making a considerable effort to be positive and to work with us during this inclusive process,” said Stephanie Clifford, Communications Officer who meets with home owners to discuss the remediation plans for their properties.
To date design plans have been discussed with 45 property owners and a further 115 will receive their plans within the next few months. The actual remediation of properties in the Municipality of Port Hope is expected to start in spring 2018.