Members of the PHAI Agreement Monitoring Group marked their 100th meeting
(l to r) back row – Tony Cannella, Municipality of Clarington Director of Engineering Services; Scott Parnell, CNL General Manager; Bob Sanderson, Municipality of Port Hope Mayor; Robert Keeler, AECL Director, PHAI Oversight; Will McCrae, Municipality of Clarington Secondary Project Management; Marty Kapitan, CNL Public Programs Officer; Anthony Hobbs, Municipality of Port Hope Peer Review Team Project Manager
front row: Steve Whillier, CNL Director, Small-Scale Sites; Sue Bernardi, Municipality of Port Hope Municipal Project Staff Team Leader; Peter Szabo, CNL Director, Health, Safety, Security, Environment & Quality; Harvey Seto, CNL Director, Major Sites; Katy Macpherson, Municipality of Port Hope Municipal Project Assistant
The Municipality of Port Hope and Municipality of Clarington have been actively involved in the Port Hope Area Initiative (PHAI) from the early planning days and continue to be active stakeholders of the Port Hope and Port Granby projects.
Consultation and communication are cornerstones of the Legal Agreement, signed in 2001 to establish the PHAI. To ensure that project commitments outlined in the agreement are reviewed and actioned, an Agreement Monitoring Group was formed to bring together representatives of both municipalities, as signatories, and representatives of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) and CNL staff. On April 4, the group marked its 100th meeting.
Municipal representatives meet regularly with CNL staff to review the planned activities of the PHAI and discuss municipal projects that may impact CNL’s work. Regular updates are provided to the councils of both communities and a number of working meetings take place on a weekly, monthly and quarterly basis to review all aspects of the projects including scheduling, planning and communications. Additionally, each municipality receives annual federal funding to retain consultants, known as the Municipal Peer Review Team, to advise the municipality on technical aspects of the projects.