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May 29, 2024

Notice of Closure: Bob’s Drive

CNL contractors are undertaking Port Hope Area Initiative work on Bob’s Drive, between Young and Harcourt Streets. The road will be closed to the public starting the week of June 24, 2024. The closure will remain until October 2024.

We apologize for any inconvenience this closure may cause.

You may see or hear:

  • Temporary sidewalks installed for public use
  • Construction fencing, equipment and supplies
  • Increased vehicle traffic

Dust and noise monitoring is in place for the duration of the work.

Please be aware of increased activity in the area and obey all posted signage.

Visit for additional information.

Canadian Nuclear Laboratories is committed to the safety of the public, its workers and the environment by following stringent regulatory requirements while undertaking PHAI activities.

For more information, contact us at: 905.885.0291 • [email protected] •

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