After a stringent review of safety protocols by its staff and contractors, CNL is restarting Port Hope Area Initiative (PHAI) field work using a phased approach. Select activities will resume this week, with work continuing to ramp up over the following weeks.
CNL made the decision to stop work on PHAI construction sites after a safety-related incident on August 11, 2021. Fortunately, there were no injuries. Protecting workers, the public and the environment is the number one priority for CNL. As such, CNL stopped work on August 12 to conduct a comprehensive and detailed safety review.
Work on PHAI construction and remediation sites is significantly different from typical municipal and residential construction projects. The PHAI cleanup work requires many layers of oversight, including safety, radiation protection and environmental monitoring. CNL project staff conduct ongoing contractor oversight at all PHAI sites, and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission conducts both routine and spot inspections of PHAI work frequently.
We will provide owners of properties where work is resuming with more details as they become available.