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June 20, 2023

Port Hope employees showcase PHAI

With an audience of over 1,000 employees in the Stewardship & Renewal Group (SRG) of Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL), Port Hope employees recently participated in a trade show highlighting the work they do.

CNL, as Canada’s premier nuclear science and technology organization, has strategic priorities that include contributing to the health of Canadians; providing clean energy for today and tomorrow; and the restoration and protection of Canada’s environment. The Port Hope Area Initiative (PHAI) is one of Canada’s largest environmental remediation projects, and falls under the work to restore and protect the environment.

The PHAI is a large-scale, complex project which includes construction oversight, radiation protection and environmental monitoring. The employees from Port Hope focused on specific areas of the project including work at the long-term waste management facilities, waste water treatment, private property remediation and communications, and at the major sites.  In sessions held over two days, a number of conversations were held to facilitate technical knowledge transfer.

“CNL has developed some of the world’s most advanced waste management technologies and practices to address challenging environmental issues. The PHAI is the largest project in the CNL portfolio and sharing knowledge about our unique work supports the success of similar activities across the country,” said Mark Hughey, General Manager responsible for the PHAI.

The cleanup being completed in Port Hope is one of the many CNL projects aimed at cleaning up the past to make way for a bright future. The Northern Transportation Route Initiative involves the cleanup of small quantities of uranium-impacted soils along the 2,000 kilometer route used to bring ore from the Northwest Territories to Port Hope for processing. In Pinawa, Manitoba, planning is underway to safely dispose of WR-1, one Canada’s oldest research reactors.  In addition, the main CNL campus in Chalk River is being revitalized with buildings remodeled and millions of kilograms of asbestos, low-level radioactive waste and decommissioning debris safely removed. Planning continues for the closure of the Nuclear Power Demonstration facility at the site and remediation of the land, ensuring the long-term safety of humans and the environment.

To learn more about the important work being done to restore and protect Canada’s environment visit

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