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January 10, 2019

Port Hope Project on track for 2019

There will be an increase in PHAI activity throughout the town of Port Hope in 2019 supported by lessons learned over the past year. This was the highlight of CNL’s recent quarterly update to the Municipality of Port Hope Council. The presentation made on December 18 by Scott Parnell, CNL’s Historic Waste Program’s General Manager to the Committee of the Whole, was attended by the media and members of the community and focused on accomplishments this past year, current and ongoing work as well as a look-ahead to upcoming work in 2019.

“We started moving waste finally in the community,” said Parnell. “We completed two of three temporary storage sites, and it’s nice to see empty lots.” Parnell is referring to the waste that had been stored for years at the Centre Pier and Pine Street North Extension sites under tarps, that was relocated to the long-term waste management facility for safe storage in 2018. He was frank in admitting that lessons learned from these work packages will be incorporated in upcoming work.

The presentation also addressed potential impacts to the community, as well as CNL’s commitment to mitigate these where possible. Parnell said that the impacts such as dust or tree removal, can be quite surprising to the community, though the work has frequently been discussed. He also stressed CNL’s willingness to work on addressing concerns. “We’ve had some discussions on tree removal. We are doing what we can to save trees and seeing if there are additional things we can do.”

In answering a question raised about dust suppression at the corner of the Access and Toronto Roads, Parnell stressed that CNL is committed to doing all that needs to be done to ensuring safe travel.

Parnell also highlighted the demolition of the Mill Street building, the start of work at residences and businesses, as well as the planned demo at the West Beach area of Port Hope. Work continues at the Port Hope Harbour, waterfront sites and residential properties – about 70 – in the New Year.

In closing, the Mayor echoed Parnell’s opening statement to new Council Members about the interest in working closely, by reminding the community members and Council that we are “all in this together”, working toward a “common goal”.

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