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March 10, 2023

CNEA Crowdfunding campaign supports Durham Region Hospice

CNL staff eagerly responded to the call to vote for initiatives that contribute to the quality of life in neighbouring communities where they live, work and play.

The result was that employees from CNL in Port Hope recently visited the future construction site in Clarington, Ontario to present a cheque for $5,000 in support of the planned Durham Region Hospice scheduled to break ground this spring.

The funds, made available in recognition of the organization’s performance over the 2021/22 fiscal year, from parent company Canadian National Energy Alliance (CNEA) was available for staff-directed investment in causes and initiatives important to their communities. The internal crowdsourcing campaign resulted in CNL employees nominating a variety of projects and organizations they wished to support and employees investing in the projects of their choice.

CNL staff present funding to Durham Region Hospice staff and board members
Back row L-R: Kirk Kemp, Leo Blindenbach, Jackie Nixon, Charles Ewart
Front: Susan Bailie (CNL), Marian Timmermans, Shernette Muccuth Henry (CNL)

Susan Baillie, Project Transition Manager for CNL in Port Hope, submitted the nomination for Durham Region Hospice, a nine-bed facility to be constructed in Clarington. “Hospice care is focused on helping individuals, and their families, cope with and prepare for one’s final days of life in a home-like setting. Too often you hear stories about individuals who are at their end of life, spending their final days or hours of life in a setting that is busy or noisy,” shared Bailie.  “This funding will directly support the construction of a new facility so that Clarington residents may spend their end of life in a comfortable, caring and compassionate setting.”

The crowdsourcing campaign resulted in a total of $150,000 donated to a variety of organizations and projects across the country including community facilities, parks and outdoor trails, mental health and homelessness causes and protection of animals.

In Clarington, CNL is implementing the Port Granby Project as part of the Port Hope Area Initiative, on behalf of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, a federal Crown corporation.


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