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January 27, 2025

NOTICE OF UPCOMING WORK – Alexander Street Turn-around

As part of the Port Hope Area Initiative activities, CNL is continuing work in the Alexander Street Ravine. To allow for the installation of sheet piling, contractors will be fencing the Alexander Street cul-de-sac so a crane can be safely operated to collect and install sheet piles from within the fenced area.

This work is expected to occur the first week of February. The road will remain open to the public and neighbourhood properties will be able to access their driveways.

Those living in the neighbourhood may experience:

  • Vibrations from the installation of the sheet piling
  • Increased construction noise and traffic as the fencing is installed

Please be aware of increased activity in the area and obey all posted signs.

CNL has strict environmental controls in place to monitor vibration, dust, and noise levels.

Canadian Nuclear Laboratories is committed to the safety of the public, its workers and the environment while undertaking this community-requested solution to a longstanding environmental issue.

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