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July 09, 2018

Protecting wildlife – A PHAI committment

Since the majority of the activities of the Port Hope Area Initiative (PHAI) take place outdoors, staff are always mindful of the environment in which they are working. CNL remains committed to minimizing the impacts of the project on wildlife and staff are careful to avoid the habitats of species-at risk.

This heightened awareness was particularly useful when several turtles were spotted on a PHAI construction site near the Port Hope Waste Water Treatment Plant.

To assist with the relocation of the turtles to a more suitable location, a biologist was brought in to survey the site. The survey included the search for other turtles and to determine if the ones spotted were listed on the Species-at-Risk database.

As part of the investigation, the biologist observed tracks indicating that a number of turtles had migrated to an adjacent area. The team also observed a lone turtle who had not migrated, which was then carried to another location onsite and released. Identified as a female midland painted turtle, the species pictured is now documented as a known species in that area, though it is not a species-at-risk.

As this is a nesting period for turtles, a snapping turtle was also observed on Elliott Road near the Port Granby Long-Term Waste Management Facility. Staff often stop and help the turtles cross the road, if it is safe to do so.

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