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June 06, 2022

Two separate applications to the CNSC

CNL has submitted two very important but separate applications to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) for the Port Hope Area Initiative (PHAI).

The Port Hope Project Waste Nuclear Substance Licence allows CNL to carry out cleanup activities and will expire December 31, 2022. CNL is requesting a renewal of this licence for a 10 year period. Additionally, CNL has requested an amendment to the licence to consolidate four licences associated with the Port Hope Area Initiative, including the Port Granby Project, The Port Hope Pine Street Extension Temporary Storage Site and the Port Hope Radioactive Waste Management Facility.

As a separate application, CNL has also requested a change to the PHAI Cleanup Criteria. For this application, the CNSC will consider a revision to the cleanup criteria for arsenic.

See the table below (click image to enlarge) for a quick glance at the difference between the two applications.


More information

Port Hope Project Waste Nuclear Substance Licence Renewal

Amendment to the PHAI Cleanup Criteria

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