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December 02, 2020

CNL Virtual Industry Day

This year Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) is taking its annual Industry Day virtual. In partnership with the Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries (OCNI), this event provides a venue for suppliers interested in working with CNL to highlight their capabilities and enables local businesses and economic development representatives to interface with members of the nuclear industry and CNL.

All suppliers are invited to participate Wednesday, December 9, 2020 from

10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The day will include a presentation on doing business with CNL and an overview of contracting opportunities along with a dedicated virtual breakout room for the Port Hope Area Initiative to provide an opportunity for participants to speak with other industry and economic development partners.

Registration is required – please contact Sarina Harrison at OCNI [email protected].

For questions and more information contact Jennifer Gardner at CNL [email protected].

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