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July 10, 2024

Port Hope

At Lions Park, on the morning of July 10, 2024, a storm event in the area brought sediment laden storm water from an overflowing manhole onto the site.  Proactive sediment control measures put in place by the contractor were overcome and sediment left the Lions Park site, traveling onto neighbouring properties and into the municipal storm drain. The water and restoration materials that left the work site were not contaminated, as cleanup work at the site has been completed.

CNL’s contractor added erosion specific measures near the bottom of the creek and continues to monitor the situation while identifying and reviewing additional steps to take when the weather has improved. Rain is expected to continue through July 10 and the morning of July 11, 2024.

CNL notified the impacted residents, Municipality of Port Hope and provincial Spills Action Center. CNL proactively notified the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) of the situation and CNL’s subsequent actions to protect members of the public and environment.

The Lions Park Industrial Site remedial work is complete and restoration and landscaping will continue through to the end of 2024.