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July 29, 2024

Port Hope

A severe storm event in Port Hope on July 16, 2024, which saw approximately 34 mm of rain in less than three hours, resulted in non-impacted sediment laden water from the Lions Recreation Centre site flowing into two neighbouring properties.  Proactive sediment control measures, including erosion control fabric, hay bales and a coir log, were overcome and sediment left the site, which is currently in the restoration phase.

The same storm event affected a private property site on Bruton Street. Approximately 3 cubic feet of sediment-laden water left the property passing under a silt fence and entering a municipal storm sewer near Yeovil Street.

While the storm event has passed, CNL contractors continue to monitor the situation at these sites while assessing the effectiveness of current and planned augmented sediment and erosion control measures such as check dams.

CNL has notified the affected residents, the Municipality of Port Hope and the provincial Spills Action Center. CNL has also proactively notified the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) of the situation and subsequent actions.

At no time was there a health or safety risk to workers or the public and neither of these events resulted in an impact to the environment.