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Water Quality
& Fish

What is the project monitoring?

  • Water quality in rivers, creeks, Lake Ontario
  • Reduction in contaminant concentrations in forage fish
  • Sediment quality and fish habitat
Why is the project monitoring water quality, fish and fish habitat?
  • To ensure measures to prevent the release of contaminants into watercourses are effective
  • To track the recovery of conditions in Port Hope Harbour after cleanup and habitat improvement
What measures is the project taking to protect water quality, fish and fish habitat?
  • Install stream diversion, erosion and sediment control structures (silt fences) around work areas
  • Isolate work at Port Hope Harbour from Lake Ontario through use of silt curtains
  • Place daily cover on excavated surfaces near watercourses
  • Suspend work near watercourses during heavy rainfall
  • Collect, sample and treat water that comes in contact with contaminants
  • Discharge water from work sites to approved treatment facilities
  • Undertake habitat improvements following the cleanup at Port Hope Harbour
  • Establish a Spill Response Plan
How is the project monitoring water quality, fish and fish habitat?
  • Sample and analyze water for radiological (radium-226, uranium) and non-radiological (heavy metals) contaminants at:
      1. Highland Drive South Creek
      2. Brewery Creek
      3. Alexander Creek
      4. Port Granby Creek
      5. Brand Creek (downstream of the long-term waste management facility)
      6. Lake Ontario (around treated leachate discharge)
      7. Confluence of Ganaraska River and Port Hope Harbour
  • Conduct toxicity testing of treated leachate discharge to ensure protection of fish and their habitat
  • Analyze whole fish samples (sand shiner and longnose dace) for radiological and non-radiological contaminants in the vicinity of Port Hope Harbour
  • Sample and analyze sediment for radiological and non-radiological contaminants at Port Hope Harbour following cleanup
  • Measure suspended solids (turbidity) using a Turbidometer and Secchi disk (in deeper waters) in water near remediation sites